1. Exclude Breezes
It’s a stunning day. But if the count is high, keep the windows and doors closed to guard your indoor air. you’ll also install a HEPA filter on your air-conditioning system and a flat or panel filter on your furnace.
2. Consider Alternative Treatments
Butterbur is one among the foremost promising and well-researched. Some studies suggest that a butterbur extract called Ze 339 may go also as antihistamine medicines. Other studies show that plant-based timothy and pycnogenol could also be helpful, too.
3. Wash Up
Each time you walk into your home, you bring small pieces of the surface world with you. In outdoors time , your clothes, shoes, hair, and skin are covered with tiny particles from everywhere you’ve been. Take a shower and alter your clothes to scrub away any allergens. Leave your shoes at the door, too.

4. Wear a Mask
It’ll keep allergens from stepping into your airways once you can’t avoid certain allergy triggers, like once you add your yard or vacuum. An N95 respirator mask, available at the most drugstores and medical supply stores, will block 95% of small particles, like pollen and other allergens.
5. Eat Healthy
In one study, children who ate many fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts — particularly grapes, apples, oranges, and tomatoes — had fewer allergy symptoms. But there’s little question that a healthy diet is sweet for your whole body. Add a minimum of one fresh fruit and veggie to each meal.

6. Rinse It Out
A nasal rinse cleans mucus from your nose and may ease allergy symptoms there. It can also whisk off bacteriaand thin mucus and hamper on symptom . Buy a rinse kit or make one employing a neti pot or a nasal bulb. Mix 3 teaspoons of iodide-free salt with 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda . Store this in an airtight container. method put 1 teaspoon of the mixture into 8 ounces of distilled or boiled then cooled water. In a sink and gently flush one nostril at a time.
7. Drink More
If u have symptom to form like allergies, sip more water, juice, or other nonalcoholic drinks. the additional liquid can thin the mucus in your nasal passages and provides you some relief. Warm fluids like teas, broth, or soup have another benefit: steam.
8. Go Natural
Keep your home clean. It’s one among the simplest ways to avoid indoor allergens. But some chemicals can irritate your nasal passages and aggravate your symptoms. So make natural cleaners with everyday ingredients like vinegar or bicarbonate of soda . Use a vacuum that features a HEPA filter to trap allergens. If you’ve got severe allergies, ask somebody else to tidy .
9. Get Steamy
Inhale some steam. this easy trick can ease a stuffy nose and assist you breathe easier. steam in a bowl of warm water (but not too hot) or sink filled with water, and place a towel over your head to trap the steam. Or sit within the bathroom with a hot shower running.
10. Avoid Cigarette Smoke
It worsen your runny, itchy, stuffy nose and watery eyes. Choose smoke-free restaurants, nightclubs, and hotel rooms. Avoid other fumes which will make your symptoms worse, too, like aerosol sprays and smoke from wood-burning fireplaces.

11. Consider Acupuncture
This ancient practice may bring some relief. The way acupuncture affects nasal allergies remains unclear. But a couple of studies show that it’s going to help. Ask your doctor if it might be good to undertake.
12. Know Your Triggers
You may think you recognize what the matter is. But are you sure? Make a meeting with an allergist for an allergy diagnostic test to pinpoint your triggers. Then you’ll make an idea to avoid them.
