Donor Sperm Insemination: When & Where?

People choose to use donor sperm for a variety of reason. In some couples, the male partner is sterile and can’t provide a sperm sample for intra uterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Single women and lesbian couples may take advantage of donor sperms to help them make the family the desire. In other instance, couples may seek a sperm donor to avoid passing on a genetic disease or disorders that is carried by the male partner.

Where in the past the use of donor sperm, was restricted to hetero couples with an Azoospermic partner or when the male partner carried an inheritable genetic disease, now days more lesbian couples and singles women call for donor insemination

Donor Recruitment

When the male partner has low sperm count or his sperm is of low quality, they need some other man who is willing to donate sperm which will fertilize the egg of the couples to form an embryo. Donated sperm is accepted to couple where there is no possibility of retrieving sperm naturally or by surgical for a man. The donor sperms are used to either inseminate the women or to fertilize her egg for ICSI procedure.

For couples opting for donor sperms, semen from certified sperm bank is taken. These sperm samples are fertile donor. Donor semen sample found to be normal according to WHO criteria Required

Information in respect of the donor, such as blood group, height, age, educational qualification, color of skin and eyes are matched with recipient. It is ensure that the sperm donor is free from any medical and genetic diseases. Semen Sample will be cryopreserved for at least six months.

  • Appearance: you might want a donor with the same hair color, height, and eye color as your partner
  • Blood Type: This is especially important if the women who will be carrying the baby is Rh negative
  • Medical and psychological History: information about a donors health and their family health history can help assess the risk for genetic and health conditions. Before cryopreservation and after six months, the semen sample donor will be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, VDRL

How donor sperms are screened

At the time of the donation known donors are screened and tested in our clinic for numerous infections and genetics diseases, including HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Food and drug administration (FDA) regulation require that the donor be screened and tested within seven days of the scheduled data for IVF or IUI. For the benefits of the patient and the donor, we can screen the donor and collect the sample ahead of time,

If you wish to use an anonymous donor sample, then you must buy the sperm from one of the FDA approved sperm banks. The sperm will be sent to clinic already tested for the infectious and genetic disease listed above.

Donor Sperm Insemination

The insemination process

Donor sperm sample can be used with IVF or IUI are using a sperm donor along with your IVF procedure. Apart from a simple wash technique, the swim-up technique is the swim-up technique is the oldest and most repeatedly used for the sperm preparation method. Density gradient techniques are easier to standardizes than the swim-up technique and the results are consistent  For couples undergoing IUI, the sperm is inserted directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation to improve fertilization of the egg.

What are the advantages of using donor sperm?

For lesbian couples and single parents, the advantages of donor sperms are many. For infertile partners donor sperm can provide an answer to many long and difficult years spent trying to get pregnant with no success. Typically speaking donor sperm can extremely advantageous where male partner bears an inherited disease he is quite likely to pass on to his child, if he doesn’t produce enough sperm that are unlikely to achieve fertilization.

How should prepare for sperm donation?

While men are willing to prepare for sperm donation, they need to prepare it. You will become a biological father of an unknown child. Prepare yourself mentally, inform your partner about your sperm donation.

Success Rates

There are a variety of factor that can affect a woman’s chance of conceiving with donor sperm. Her age, past history of pregnancy, method of inseminations per cycles can significantly impact the likelihood of pregnancy. Women under the age of 35 with no history of fertility issues have the best chance of becoming pregnant with donor sperm.

Because it is possible to do one to two inseminations per cycle, women who fail to conceive after repeated cycles may be evaluated for fertility problems

Alternatives Donor Insemination

Your alternative options to donor insemination depend on why you are considering using sperm donor.

Some possible alternatives include:

  • IVF with an embryo donor
  • IVF and ICSI and TESA/PESA
  • Adoption
  • Foster parenting
  • Co-parenting

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