Semen Viscosity & How It Affects Male Fertility

Semen viscosity

Sperm analysis results reflect the sperm health and determine chances of conception. Liquefaction and viscosity are two different parameters that relate to the thickness of semen. Under normal conditions, fresh semen sample liquefies due to the action of enzymes. These enzymes break down the gelatinous structure of the semen sample, making it watery and promote sperm motility. Biology professional observe the time taken for a semen sample to liquefy to estimate its degree of viscosity.

Semen analysis

Semen samples, received through masturbation after sexual abstinence for three–five days, were placed into sterile containers. After collection, semen specimens have been allowed to liquefy at 37°C after which underwent conventional analysis [volume, pH, viscosity, concentration, motility (types a, b, c, and d), vitality, and morphology according to the WHO. The motility becomes evaluated through the same officially trained biologist. Although viscosity will be assessed through quantitative viscometer, semen viscoelasticity become estimated through the usage of plastic disposable pipettes that allowed semen to drop with the aid of using gravity and looking at the period of any thread. Men whose semen has a thread period among 2cm and 4cm are categorized with moderate SHV (53.12%); a thread period among 4cm and 6cm (40.62%) is classified as mild SHV; and a thread period extra than 6cm is recognized as extreme SHV (6.25%) have been covered in excessive viscosity group (HV), while viscoelasticity become taken into consideration everyday while the thread period become 2 cm or less

What are the tests for semen viscosity?

Viscosity is examined in a laboratory environment through first permitting the semen to liquefy. When the liquefaction is complete, the sample is permitted to drop through the force of gravity via a pipette. The length of the thread is measured because the semen drops. If the semen sample has normal viscosity, it leaves a completely small trailing thread. According to WHO specifications, semen sample with abnormal viscosity leaves a thread greater than 2 cm long.

How does Viscosity Affect Male Fertility?

Viscosity makes it hard for sperm to swim. Reduced motility of sperm diminishes probabilities of fertilization of the ovum. Scientists have explored lesser-acknowledged correlations of semen viscosity with infertility and different disorder conditions. Hyper viscous semen samples and observed that their leukocyte count (quantity of white blood cells) become additionally elevated. In this case, diagnosed an ability correlation of leukocytospermia with sperm viscosity and its affiliation with male infertility. Patients identified with leukocytospermia additionally had reduced sperm volume. The very viscous semen sample showed impaired sperm quality and adversely affected sperm parameters. Viscous semen may also be the end result of an inflammatory situation, contamination of the genital tract, genetic predisposition, and environmental factors. The inflammatory situation affected numerous factors of the semen, such as its zinc, calcium, fructose, and ascorbic acid content. An alternate in the biochemical composition of the semen sample adversely affected sperm vitality, concentration, motility, and the fertilization ability of the sperm.

How is Sperm Viscosity Treated?

Sperm viscosity influences the method of sperm fusion with oocyte in unique ways. It reasons a lower in sperm count, prevents the access of sperm into the cervical mucous membrane, or even influences chromatin stability in sperms. The unwanted results of improved sperm viscosity appear as reduced rates of fertilization, conception, and fetal development. 

Several remedy methods are to be had to treat sperm viscosity in medical practice. These include the usage of mucolytic enzymes, antibiotics, hypodermic needle, and anti inflammatory agents. However, insight is needed to plan appropriate diagnostic and healing methods to solve the premise of sperm viscosity and male infertility.

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